Exercises performed by a success story patient who received Chiropractic Biophysics® for his long term spinal pain

“Chiropractic Biophysics® Eases Decades-Long Chronic Spinal Pain: A Success Story with Three-Year Follow-Up”

100+Living Fitness, Adjustments, Back Pain, Chiropractic BioPhysics, Corrective Chiropractic Care, Mirror Image Adjustments, Posture, Posture Based Mirror Image Exercises, Vibe Plate
Chronic pain is far more common that you might think, so if you or a loved one has become frustrated with long term pain, it might be a good idea to give the most evidence based and researched chiropractic strategy…
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A skilled chef meticulously plating an exquisite dish in a high-end restaurant kitchen, surrounded by pots, pans, and fresh ingredients.

Will my back pain ever go away?

100+Living, Articles, Back Pain, Spinal Traction

Lighthouse Chiropractic and Integrative Health is one of only two Advanced Certified Chiropractic Biophysics offices in Western Canada. If you are searching for an accurate diagnosis and the most evidence based approach in spinal and neurological rehabilitation then Lighthouse might be exactly what you’re looking for.

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technology, technology neck, forward head posture, forward head carriage, neck pain, back pain, headaches, text neck, tech neck, teenage posture, chiropractic, correction, Dr. Jenkins, Lighthouse Chiropractic,

You, Your Teen and Tech Neck

100+Living, 100+Living Fitness, 100+Living Neurology, Back Pain, Children's Health, Corrective Chiropractic Care, Health and Technology, Health Conditions, Life Expectancy, Longevity, Neck Pain, Poor Posture, Poor Posture in Children, Sitting, technology neck
Tech Neck is Epidemic We have all heard of “tech neck” by now.  We chirp at our teens with their nose buried in their phone “get off your phone and look at me”!  Apple now gives us stats on our…
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