The British Journal of Sports Medicine recently published an article (March 31, 2017) stating that “Saturated fat does not clog the arteries: coronary heart disease is a chronic inflammatory condition, the risk of which can be effectively reduced from healthy lifestyle interventions.”
It may come as a shock to you but many doctors have been preaching this message for 30 years. So basically we have lost an entire generation to heart disease because we have been focused on the wrong target.
This confirms the suspicions of heart surgeon Dr. Dwight Lundell about statin medication and the error of focusing on high cholesterol. And unfortunately has caused many families to loose loved ones to an early grave, who were following their doctor’s advice to the letter.
So what are preventative doctors talking about today that will take another generation to hit mainstream research publications? I can tell you in 6 words.

Insulin resistance and the stress response.

And did you know that it’s all moderated through your central nerve system? When your nerve system is calm and functioning at 100% your stress response fades away and your cells start to respond to insulin again.
My prediction is that even though we have a solution for stress, and it could have a huge impact on insulin regulation we won’t hear about it in mainstream medicine for another generation.
It’s not because the research isn’t there, it’s because big institutional systems take an entire generation to change.
Too bad we didn’t adopt breakthroughs in health like we embrace the latest technology.
It only takes a few months for us to all upgrade to the latest phone but we loose an entire generation because of ignorance on health breakthroughs.

What can you do?

Start thinking outside the box and start surrounding yourself with doctors who are not stuck in old strategies.
Today’s chiropractic focuses on your nerve system performance and helps down-regulate stress. Both issues that are massive blocks to your health.
I don’t know how many times I have had new patients say to me, I wish I had found Lighthouse Chiropractic 20 years ago.
Don’t wait, if you’re in the Okanagan, give us a call. If you’re not, then we may be able to introduce you to a forward thinking doctor in your area. Send us a message and we’ll try our best to find you a chiropractor that practices like Dr. Ken and I do at Lighthouse Chiropractic.
We’re here to help and make sure you find it.
Dr. J