Modern day healthcare has become a noisy place. There are a lot of voices demanding your attention. We’d like to help you filter out the noise and make the choices that will give you the greatest results.

Our guiding principle is the 100+Living Plan.

This means that at the same time that we are helping you beat your back and neck pain, we are teaching you strategies that will let you live your best life for years to come.

Hey, don’t get us wrong, no one wants to be in pain but if all we did at Lighthouse was pain relief, our patients would be missing the best part of todays chiropractic family care.

Initial Assessments Includes:

  • Initial Consultation
  • Examination and Assessment
  • Digital Posture Evaluation
  • Digital X-Rays (if necessary)
  • Report of Findings

Our Unique Approach

Lighthouse Chiropractic & Integrative Health Team Photo

We are not your average Chiropractic Clinic! Our approach is unique and different compared to most health care offices.

From the moment you step into Lighthouse you will understand the difference. From friendly and efficient service by our administrative staff to meeting with your Doctor for the new patient experience, no detail is missed.

The doctor will have reviewed the history information that you provided, and will ask you a series of questions about your symptoms, but more importantly will really listen to your concerns and health challenges.

Your evaluation will consist of a number of diagnostic procedures depending on your case. Some of the procedures used include digital postural analysis, spinal ranges of motion using a digital inclinometer, grip strength assessment, orthopedic tests, neurologic tests, palpation, and hospital grade digital X-rays if needed.

Our doctors are determined to identify with confidence any distortion in your spine (posture) that could be causing your current symptoms, and impacting your overall health.

If we can help, we will provide intelligent solutions to your health concerns. We use current and effective techniques including manual and instrument assisted chiropractic adjustments, in-office traction, and we provide simple but effective home rehabilitation exercises.

In some cases, your doctor will recommend our other services such as registered massage therapy, cold laser, shockwave, assisted stretching, or kinesiology.

Ultimately, we would love to simplify your health care, help you leave the noise behind, and provide hope for you and your family to be some of the healthiest people you know!

Who You’ll Work With

Dr Graham Jenkins Lighthouse Chiropractic & Integrative Health

Dr Graham Jenkins BSc DC

My first priority when meeting a new client is to listen to your story. An accurate diagnosis comes from really listening to what’s going on with you. It’s your body, it’s your problem, you’ve been living with it for a while so I need to hear what you think is going on.

From that point my focus is to determine what is causing your problem. The tests and exams that I perform are reserved for some of the top human performance clinics in the country. I believe everyone deserves answers. No one should be overlooked just because they don’t live near a huge university or don’t play pro sports.

I want to find your problem, come up with a game plan and then fix your problem. Simple, clear and effective. You don’t have time to waste and I don’t have time to waste, so if that sounds like you click on the box below and I’d love to meet you and see if I can help.

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Chiropractor, Dr Ken Adams DC headshot in front of mission creek

Dr Ken Adams DC

I am not the guy in a long white coat telling you what to do. I am the guy in the crazy toe shoes (Vibram Fivefingers), shorts and a T-shirt (sometimes even in the winter), that is ready to listen and help you get back to whatever part of your life you are not able to live right now.

I am only interested in providing care that is both safe and effective. I provide care and give recommendations that are supported by the current scientific research as well as years of clinical practice. If it doesn’t work, I simply don’t do it!

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Dr Brian Banman MBA DC headshot in nature

Dr Brian Banman MBA DC 

Dr. Brian loves to prioritize health! As a Chiropractor, he finds it extremely rewarding to enjoy his days encouraging others and helping them reach their health goals. Having been trained in Chiropractic Biophysics, he is very comfortable dealing with complex spinal conditions. He has also completed further training through the Italian Scientific Institute for Spine (ISICO) Master’s program which allows him to use the latest evidence based techniques such as Scolibrace, Scolibalance, and SEAS (Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis) exercises when treating Scoliosis.

He has spent many years playing and coaching basketball, enjoys learning, and to generally have a good time with family and friends. He and his wife Meghan have 4 children and love spending their days appreciating all that Kelowna has to offer!

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Chiropractor, Dr Travis Robson DC Lighthouse Chiropractic & Integrative Health

Dr Travis Robson DC

My purpose is not just discovering and correcting your health problems, it’s to discover health patterns that run in families. I want to help everyone achieve their best quality of life, so that they can do all the things they love to do.

“A person with their health has a thousand dreams, a person without their health only has one.”

The question is where are you with your health? Is it enough to achieve everything you want to do in the next 20 – 50 years? If the most important aspect of your life is your health, then don’t you want to live your life at your highest potential?

Chiropractic is the answer… With the most advanced spinal and postural regeneration system in the world, it is possible to regenerate your spine through our state-of-the-art systems to offer you life changing results!

In order to reach optimal health, a structurally strong spine and nervous system is ESSENTIAL!

So, if you are looking to reach this life-long goal, then click the button below to book in with me and I’d love to help you achieve that lifestyle.

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Dr Heinrich Henstock HKin DC headshot wearing a grey button up shirt in front of light grey wall

Dr Heinrich Henstock HKin DC

“I’ve experienced firsthand the toll rigorous sports can take on the body from years of high level sports. From competing in rugby, bodybuilding, and martial arts, to overcoming a back injury sustained on the field, I intimately understand the importance of optimal spinal health. After discovering the transformative benefits of chiropractic care, I shifted my career focus from medicine to chiropractic, driven by a passion to help others achieve peak wellness. When I’m not in the clinic, you can find me enjoying time with my rockstar wife and energetic children or honing my skills on the mat practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu”

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What to Expect

Before You Arrive

Simply click on the “I’m Ready to Book” button below, select what type of Initial Chiropractic Assessment is appropriate for you, and select the day and time that suits you best. Complete the booking and you will receive an email containing an intake form to fill out prior to your arrival.

New Patient Experience

Your very first visit to our office will be a discovery process to determine the source of your health concerns. Our doctors will discuss your health history with you and conduct a thorough spinal and postural examination. This takes each adult approximately 45 minutes.

  • If there are postural imbalances or spinal misalignments that are impacting your nerve system your doctor may recommend further tests, such as digital postural scan or a specific set of x-rays.
  • If you require x-rays, your doctor will explain why they are necessary. We perform all x-rays on site with our hospital grade digital x-ray, so there is no waiting or additional appointments at another lab.
Your Time is Valuable

Your Doctor will evaluate your results, prepare a personalized report of findings and deliver this information to you as quickly as possible. If we believe that we can help, you will know exactly what steps need to be taken to restore your health!

If you have a question prior to booking your initial consultation call or email us. We look forward to seeing you!