What books are in your backpack?

Back in the day the classic question to ask any leader was “what are you reading these day’s”. That question would generate a few book titles that were worth the read. And this question still is a good one because great leaders still read.
And I mean real, paper books.
Yes we all have our e-readers loaded up and most of us have a few Audible credits that are waiting to get used, but I find the really solid leaders I talk with still have a few “old school”, hold in my hand and flip the pages, books on the go.
Then about a decade, ago leaders started talking about what “bloggers” they were following and even now I get some great advice from bloggers. And I don’t think that is going away.

What Podcasts are you listening to?

Now my #1 question, when I sit down with a leader is, “What Podcasts are you subscribed to?”
That’s an interesting question.
I get everthing from parenting podcasts to podcasts on classic automobiles to what you would expect; podcasts on leadership and business principles.
For me it varries from health care topics to business and occasionally some inspirational podcasts that cover my inner world.
So here’s what I have on my iPhone right now. . . .
VentureCast with David Hornick and Craig Syverson and the iTunes description reads “Venture capitalist David Hornik, author of the popular VentureBlog, and Howard Hartenbaum, a partner with David at August Capital, take a random talk down Sand Hill Road with conversations, interviews and conference reports around the Silicon Valley entrepreneurial scene.” Click here for the link on iTunes if you want to check it out https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/venturecast/id202515987?mt=2
The EntreLeadership Podcast by Ramsey Solutions hosted by Ken Coleman, the EntreLeadership Podcast features lively discussions and tips on leadership and business by some of the top minds in the business, like Mark Cuban, Seth Godin, Jim Collins and Simon Sinek. Click here for the link on iTunes if you want to check it out https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-entreleadership-podcast/id435836905?mt=2
And finally Bethel Church Sermon of the Week by Bethel Church Redding and the iTunes description reads “Bethel Church is a community of believers led by pastor Bill Johnson in Redding, California. We are passionate about God and people. Our mission is revival: the personal, regional, and global expansion of God’s Kingdom through his manifest presence. Enjoy our podcast and please feel free to visit us at ibethel.org or check out our services on ibethel.tv” Click here for the link on iTunes if you want to check it out https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/bethel-church-sermon-week/id76583739?mt=2
Every few months I will drop a podcast or pick one up that I find interesting. But these are the one’s I’m digesting right now.

Hacking your time so you can learn more in less time.

Another trick I use to get through lots of interesting material fast is setting my iPhone to play at 1.5x normal speed so I can listen to an hour podcast in way less time. . . the human brain can process information much faster than the average person can speak:)
I encourage you to start asking the “podcast question” when ever you’re in the room with a person that you consider a leader. No matter their speciality, I believe we can learn lots from each other. If you can find out what successful people are putting in their brain on a regular basis I believe it will lead to your success as well.
I know it certainly has helped me.
I’d love to hear what struck a cord in this post for you, so please leave a comment below and I’ll talk to you soon,
Dr. J